Saturday, September 10, 2005


I seriously need your help and opinions and advice. Am I just freaking out?

I got a new roommate on August 31st. He moved in his stuff and we talked for about an hour. He then slept over at his old place at the University over night, then dropped by for 30 minutes with more of his stuff the next day. It was a Friday, I think, and he told me he was going away for the weekend to Kamloops.

It's now been 10 days and I haven't heard from him or seen him since. Did he just extend his time in Kamloops with his friend? Or should I be concerned?

Since I don't know him, I don't know any of his friends, and I don't know his family, and I don't know who to call. He doesn't have a cell phone. I used to have his email address, but since I changed over to my old computer, I don't have it anymore.

I actually called the police last night to report it, and they said that since he's 25 or older, they won't take a missing person's report, nor will they release any information they have on him.

Perhaps he'll be back on Sunday?

I'm just freaking out, right? I've watched too many CSI episodes? What would you think?

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